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The change and relocation of LT Drink

Given the fact that not only is LT Drink essentially a full-on Coca-Cola logo font, but also derived from a partially seen Cola Script font, it is reasonable for me, as a designer/replicator of the font, to rename it to "Colagraph".

The point of the font's rename

The rename of the typeface and its availability will draw significant attention to logo fonts/graphic design enthusiasts, as well as various Coca-Cola (and its brand) fanatics.

Why Colagraph is recommended

There are a variety of versions of the Coca-Cola font, but most of which don't seem to have high quality. For example, Coca Cola ii or Loki Cola - however, it's been used by billions of people across the world. American Pop is another example, as I feel like most of the letterforms outside of the letters of "Coca-Cola" come off pretty wonky. Rock 'n Cola doesn't seem too bad, I guess...

Written by Daniel Lyons of LyonsType. Visit site


Colagraph does not come off as an entire reproduction of Cola Script used by The Coca-Cola Company in their international logos, but rather an estimated product with an array of differences.

This typeface is always available for free download under the condition of this site remaining active, and under no circumstances should this font be distributed for profit. The owner of this project cannot entirely guarantee this site will stay active.

This typeface is a non-profit project, meaning that in no way is it affiliated with or endorsed by The Coca-Cola Company or any of its subsidiaries.

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